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After World War 2 ended in 1945, Nations finally understood the importance of world peace. Fifty-one nations, including the five permanent members(China, France, Russia, UK, and the US)-gathered in San Francisco to sign the creation of the United Nations. Since then, the United Nations have strived to maintain international peace and security, better living standards, and human rights. 
Inheriting these ideologies as they are, we, at KISMUN, have the ultimate goal to help delegates develop confidence and leadership skills by discussing these world issues and getting to a consensus through a deep communication procedure. 
The world is now facing rapid changes every moment. Covid-19 is still not over yet. Nations are fighting over territories, people are being marginalized, and diversity is not accepted in some places.
Started in 2015 with the first LDP members, we have succeeded the legacy for seven years. Now KISMUN is an opportunity for students to demonstrate debating skills and develop the ability to adapt and empathize throughout the conference- and we expect them to grow as future global leaders. 

Written by Song Juhyeong(SPECPOL Head Chair)


 Kim Hye Eum




Mr. James Eyre

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July 28th 1914, October 24th 1945, July 27th 1953, July 20th 1969, September 11th 2001, December 31st 2019. 

What can you tell from the above dates? Do you know what happened on these days? Why are they important?

The events that occurred on these days have had a direct effect on all of our lives, even if you are not sure right now as to what effect that is. The last date is the most important one for us currently. December 31st 2019 was when China informed the World Health Organisation of an outbreak in Wuhan, Hubei province, of a novel coronavirus. We now know this virus as COVID-19 and it has affected the lives of all 7.8 billion people who share this planet as our home. 

Some countries, such as South Korea, Vietnam and New Zealand, have managed to contain the spread of the pandemic through effective containment strategies. Other countries have faced more difficulties and have not been as successful in containing the pandemic.

KISMUN 2020 is the first Model United Nations conference to take place in Ho Chi Minh City since the beginning of the COVID- 19 outbreak. Where other conferences have been cancelled, the Leadership Development Programme members, the conference directors and the KIS administration have pushed forward tirelessly and ceaselessly to organize and deliver this conference in the most difficult circumstances possible.

November 6th 2020.

This is now the most important date for you. This is the date where you make a difference. This is the date when you ignite your passion.

The world has many obstacles to overcome. We are now looking to you to help provide solutions to these problems. The United Nations has not been able to solve the global issues that we currently face. These predicaments will continue in our lifetimes and yours. We look to the future generations to find solutions that have not been discovered yet. 

This is your time. This is your turn. Create a better world for us all. Ignite your passion.



James Eyre

Conference director of KISMUN 2021 


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Kwag Ha Young

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Moon Siyeon

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Ha Da In

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Kim Yeo Jin

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Jung Yu Tae

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Lee Ji Hoon


Mrs. Jin Ah

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Beyond your limits 

How’s everyone doing these days in the face of a really tough time? Although it has not been confirmed whether the KISMUN 2021 conference will be held online or offline, I would like to thank the LDP members who are working so hard to hold the KISMUN 2021. In particular, I would like to thank the Secretariat team and conference director Mr. James. 

Do you know that MUN activities at Ho Chi Minh City Korean International School are considered the best among Korean schools around the world? Do you also know that other overseas Korean schools are making great efforts to benchmark our school's MUN activities? I don't think this great reputation was achieved just overnight. I think all the participating students' constant efforts and enthusiasm have resulted in this. Not only does our school spare a lot of support, but it also has become a pride and great asset of our school due to many interests and participation of teachers and students. Of course, this KISMUN is important for the college admission qualification, but most of all you will never get such a valuable experience anywhere else so BE PROUD OF YOURSELF. I am honored and happy to participate in the MUN conference with a little help of my own. 

Now it's true that the world is facing not only COVID-19 pandemic but also a number of global issues. When you look at each Committees’ topic, which are kind of heavy topics, but I'm sure you'll find a meaningful solution through your wise exchange of opinions. I sincerely hope that this KISMUN 2021 will be a great opportunity for all of you to take a step closer to becoming world citizens and also hope this wonderful experience will lead you in the bright future. 

Lastly, I would like to tell you three things.

First, enjoy this remarkable experience with all your heart and soul.

Second, don't be afraid of making mistakes. Challenge and argue fiercely.

And third, this experience will break your limits and go further.



JinAh Yun

Conference director of KISMUN 2021 

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Greetings to everyone participating in KISMUN2021!

I am Ha Kyung, and it is a huge honor to be serving you as the secretary general of this conference. 


I started MUN, because from an 8th grader’s perspective, being in a suit, and speaking english in front of everyone looked cool. However, as I started learning, and participating in real debates, I realized that MUN was something way beyond that. It was about speaking up, and proudly representing a whole nation. However, as a beginner back then, I was scared to speak up, and I ended my first conference with little POIs and speeches. 

To be honest with all of you, I did regret participating in the conference, and I was embarrassed of all my speeches and POIs. However, I did not want to stop and give everything up, so I started participating in more and more conferences to improve myself, and to do better in future conferences. 

As a result, I am here, as the secretary general in this conference. 


Delegates, there is a quote saying: “Life offers you so many doors. It is up to you which one to open, and which one to close.” In this conference, it is okay to not open the door to speak, and it is okay to make mistakes. However, try opening the door of learning through this conference, and use the things you have learned in your following conferences. 

To end, I would like all of you to bear in mind that when you do open the door to speak, it is your time to shine.


Now, the floor is now once again opened. You may have the floor. 


Wish all of you the best,

Hakyung Kwag

Secretary General of KISMUN2021

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Honorable delegates, student officers, and teachers,


Hello, I am Yumin Kang, serving you as the Deputy Secretary General of KISMUN 2021.


Since the ancient ages of humanity, there has been one thing that has always stopped the development of us. It is a concept known as ‘limitation’. Even today, limitations are observed in a variety of places and they are still causing negative effects on the growth of us. 


In 2018, my voyage to the world of Model United Nation has begun. On the morning of the second day, the podium was open and lots of students were participating in the debates. Unlike them, I was interrupted by the limitations that were inside my thoughts, and it stopped me from getting into the debates. That day, the only thing I did was enjoy the snacks with my friend. To me, MUN seemed to be a place where limitations between people apparently exist, and I believed in myself that my limitations were larger than others. 


However, limitation is an abstract form that was created by the imagination of people. This means that it actually doesn’t have a presence and I was scared of something that didn’t even exist. Keeping this fact in mind, I had one of the best debates of my life at KISMUN 2019, and at KISMUN 2020, I was able to reach the position of a chair. Looking back over the past, these were all able to occur due to the belief that limitations don’t exist inside me.


Now there is only one thing to remember during KISMUN 2021. You should go “Beyond Your Limits”. Delegates shatter these walls of limitation into pieces with a tool called confidence and step into the world of leaders. 



Yumin Kang

Deputy Secretary General of KISMUN 2021

HaKyung Kwag

Yumin Kang


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Honorable delegates, chairs, student officers, teachers, and guests.


My name is Hye Eum Kim, and it is a great honor to be serving you as the Deputy Secretary-General of KISMUN 2021. 


First things first. I would like to greet all the delegates who are participating in KISMUN 2021. It must have been a hard choice for some of you and I truly appreciate it. There will be some delegates who are still terrified, regretting their choice to join MUN. For them, I would like to emphasize that it is okay to make mistakes and to call out for help whenever you need them. I am sure that the chairs and our LDP members will be delighted to help you solve the problem. 


There are two types of people when it comes to dealing with mistakes and failure. The ones that are always desperate to hide their mistakes and give up trying more, and the ones that learn from the mistakes they have made and take risks to try more. I wholeheartedly believe that our delegates will be one of the latter. So, do not be afraid of making mistakes, and try your best to express your opinions, and break the limitation you have set in your mind. 


To conclude, I would like to empower all the delegates to be confident, step up beyond your limit and walk up to the podium. The floor is open and this is your chance to speak up. 


Enjoy your debates and I wish you return home with precious memories. 



Hye Eum Kim

Deputy Secretary-General of KISMUN 2021

Hye Eum Kim


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Park Min Yeong

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Song Juhyeong

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Kim Tae Hyun

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Cho Siyeon

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Kim Won Joon

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Park ChuMi


Lee U Seok

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Choi Seo Yun

SC H 이지훈 (3).jpg

Lee Ji Hoon

LDP 김여진 (4).jpg

Kim Yeo Jin

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Jung Yu Tae

LDP 곽하영 (4).jpg

Kwag Ha Young

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Moon Siyeon

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Ha Da In


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